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Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Community outreach project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Network outreach venture - Essay Example The mission of starting another help is to assess network based library outreach programs utilizing different parts that are combined with significant elective procedures. So as to accomplish its crucial, are different techniques that need to place into thought to encourage the procedure of network outreach program in the field of nursing. Be that as it may, this paper mean to talk about two of those techniques and these envelops directional procedure and market methodology. From research, a directional methodology is every now and again created concentrating on various parts, for example, progress, consistent quality, just as cost cutting (Addis and Gamble, 2004). In this manner, for an association aiming to present another help for patients, before setting up a directional system, it is crucial to characterize the fundamental target of such an activity. For example, the primary aim of this new assistance is to build benefits and reduced expenses simultaneously, while improving the lives of patients through the network outreach program. By recognizing the target of presenting the new help, it gets simpler to pick the best sort of directional technique that suits the effort program (Kreuter, Lezin and Young, 2000). For instance, by utilizing cost-cutting methodology, it will be anything but difficult to do defenses, annihilating specific items from the line before presenting the upgraded one, or even record for impoverishment or selling out. The centrality of a directional technique is to play as a control to coordinate an association through both tranquil and agitated occasions (Berwick, 2003). Directional procedure helps in keeping up the goal of the new assistance to be presented in the market; it additionally balances out and helps in the development of benefits just as makes it workable for the business to push ahead with its exercises without losing tract of the expected task. The key goal of a directional methodology is to keep the business centered in t he arranged way likely while continuing to extend the two returns and administrations gave to patients in the network outreach program. By and large, directional techniques empower the presentation or the commencement of the new help to create in one of the two ways. These incorporate either opposite or straight development. For this situation, vertical extension infers that presenting the new assistance will concentrate on present customers and customers increment their spending on the new help or setting up new customers with the new help. Then again, level development incorporates seeking after new clients and those customers in the quick area to appreciate the new assistance that is being advertised. It additionally includes augmenting the effort to different regions so as to grow the customer base of the new help. Another methodology that will be utilized in this procedure incorporates the market technique. As it is known, a methodology is consistently a drawn out arrangement t hat is built up to achieve specific destinations. Along these lines, a market methodology is an arrangement created to achieve showcasing objectives for the new assistance expected to be presented in the nursing field (Whitney, Dutcher& Keselman, 2013). For example, promoting objective might be to start another help by acknowledging customers or patients. The key arrangement along these lines is the finished arranging that incorporates advertising examination, and afterward building up a showcasing blend to acknowledge customers. It is fundamental for each business or association
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Health and safety
Wellbeing and security Errand 1INTRODUCTIONThe business, which I have chosen to put together this task with respect to, is Mayfield School And College. The school has a huge ground zone with 6 extra structures set independently around the school site.As Mayfield has numerous division zones, I have chosen to for the most part center around the IT branch of the college.There are two principle parts of the IT office, which is; «THE PRACTICAL - this includes the utilization of PCs, with a certified instructor or chief inside the space to help students. «THE THEORY - this includes remove a portion of sitting inside a study hall with the conventional board and pen technique for teaching.Each exercise is educated by an IT educator that is liable for every understudy. The educator is obliged by law to be prepared either outwardly or verbally on the most proficient method to lead of all wellbeing and security viewpoints in how to guard understudies inside each room.Health and Safety CommissionThe leader of the IT division is Miss Christina Botha, these obligations would be a piece of her duty, to ensure all instructors realize how to utilize gear inside an appropriate way and realize all fire drill guidelines and emergency treatment partners. This ought to be instructed to the representative during training.As all different business Mayfield needs to obey by the Health and Safety laws. The wellbeing and security law is a UK enactment running since the mid-nineteenth century, the principle enactment that is run today is the wellbeing and security act 1974, and this expects businesses to plan a composed wellbeing strategy, spots and commitment on representatives to watch wellbeing rules. This demonstration built up the Health and Safety Commission to detail wellbeing guidelines and codes of training, and the wellbeing and security official to uphold the arrangements of the act.On the school grounds...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Factors That Affect Enzyme Reaction Rate
Lab Report Factors That Affect Enzymes Reaction Rate Name of lab: Effects of temperature, pH, Enzyme Concentration, and Substrate Concentration on Enzymatic Activity Introduction: Enzymes are the most significant kinds of proteins, they go about as catalysis (accelerate synthetic responses). On the off chance that catalysts didn’t exist, biochemical responses would act to gradually and they couldn’t stay aware of the metabolic capacities. Proteins have a three-dimensional structure that is extremely unpredictable. This structure comprises of at least one polypeptide chains, they structure a functioning site, which is a region where the substrate in the long run will fit.The four factors that influence the action and response pace of a compound are temperature, pH, protein focus and substrate fixation. Research Question/Hypothesis: The theory is that when the temperature is higher than 40? C, the protein catalysis will increment. That the catalyst action with the pH impa ct is that in the event that it isn’t at the ideal pH esteem there will be an all out loss of the compound movement. As the adjustment in compound focus expands the action rate will increment if there is a relative measure of chemical fixation and substrate.Variables: Independent: pH, protein fixation, substrate focus and enzymatic action. Subordinate: the response rate Control variable: temperature and measure of substrates and proteins included. Materials: Phosphate Buffers Beaker Catechol Potato Juice Parafilm Test Tubes Procedure: To consider the impact of temperature: 1. Three diverse test tubes where loaded up with 3mL of phosphate. 2. They were set in three diverse temperature settings. First cylinder was put in an ice-water shower for ten minutes, the second in a room temperature until 21?C was reached, and the third cylinder was put in a recepticle of warm water. To consider the impact of pH: 1. The pH estimations of pH 4, pH 6, pH 7, pH 8, and pH 10 was utilized to fill five separate test tubes with 3 mL each. 2. To each test tube, ten drops of catechol and potato juice were included, each cylinder was secured with Parafilm, and reversed a few times to blend the substance. Subsequent to letting each cylinder represent three to five minutes the cylinders were modified at brief interims. To examine the impact of protein focus: 1.The advances incorporate four test tubes that were named A, B, C, and D. 2. The substance added to tube An are 3mL in addition to 20 drops of pH 7 phosphate support, however no potato juice. To tube B, 3 mL in addition to 15 drops of pH 7 phosphate cushion and 15 drops of potato juice. The measure of pH 7 phosphate support added to test tube C are 3 mL in addition to 10 drops of potato juice. To test tube D, 3 mL of pH 7 phosphate support and 20 drops of potato juice were included. 3. At that point, each cylinder was shrouded in Parafilm and upset a few times to blend the contents.After doing as such, 10 drops of catecho l were added to each cylinder and secured with Parafilm and rearranged a few times to blend the substance. 4. Subsequent to permitting each cylinder to represent three to four minutes the cylinders were blended at one-minute interims. To examine the impacts of substrate focus: 1. Eight test tubes that were included. 2. These test tubes were marked 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, and 48. Next, each test tube had a specific measure of phosphate cradle and catechol was added to each. 3.To test tube #1: 5 mL in addition to 47 drops of pH 7 phosphate support and 1 drop of catechol; test tube #2: 5 mL in addition to 46 drops of pH 7 phosphate cushion and 3 drops of catechol; test tube #4: 5 mL in addition to 44 drops of pH 7 phosphate cradle and 4 drops of catechol; test tube #8: 5 mL in addition to 40 drops of pH 7 phosphate support and 8 drops of catechol; test tube #16: 5 mL in addition to 32 drops of pH 7 phosphate cradle and 16 drops of catechol; test tube #24: 5 mL in addition to 24 drops o f pH 7 phosphate support and 24 drops of catechol; test tube #32: 5 Ml in addition to 16 drops of pH 7 phosphate cradle and 32 drops of catechol; and test tube #48: 5 mL of pH 7 phosphate support and 48 drops of catechol. 4. At that point, each cylinder was secured with Parafilm and modified a few times to blend the substance. Likewise, to every one of the cylinders, 30 drops of potato juice were included and secured with Parafilm and altered a few times to blend the substance. The test tubes set at room temperature for five minutes and were blended at brief interims.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Why Choose A Writing Service For College Paper?
Why Choose A Writing Service For College Paper?Writing service for college paper is a viable option for students who want to have their papers published by a university. Paper writing for publication can be carried out by the students themselves or by a freelancer who will be paid to do this service. In either case, it is important that the student chooses a paper writing service for college paper that can meet his or her needs.While getting your work published in a professional journal can be very expensive, you may prefer to have it done by an experienced freelance writer who can offer more affordable prices for a student. Therefore, many colleges are now offering a writing service for college paper in the form of a college project. An online college writing service for college paper service is a great way to reach out to the college student's inner creative genie and unleash their potential.If you know your writing skills, you can get started with a college paper writing service f or college paper or a freelancer who has experience in the field. Of course, getting a writer who can write according to the standards of your college or university will take time and money, but if you make sure that the papers are in order, they will not take much time.Getting the college paper writing service for college paper is usually handled by a faculty member or a counselor at the college or university. The faculty member may be the one to actually invite the student to the class. The student will be required to write a paper on a particular topic and submit it to a particular deadline.First, you should determine what kind of essay writing service that you would like to have. In general, writing services offered by universities and colleges include: theses, personal essays, thesis, personal and academic essays, autobiographies, dissertations, and theses. Theses, dissertations, and theses are often time-consuming for students because of the length and depth of the subjects,so it is important that you do a lot of research on the various types of writing services to select a writer who will have enough experience in that field.When choosing a writer, you will also need to decide how much time you will allot for the entire process. You should ask yourself what the deadline is and how you will be able to edit the paper. Be aware that the deadline may be different from university to university, so if you choose a particular deadline, make sure that you can follow through and be able to go through the whole process successfully.For students who are just starting to learn about the profession, hiring a writing service for college paper can help them develop their writing skills. If you choose a writer who is already an expert in the field, you can be certain that you will have a high quality paper that you can publish and showcase to your friends.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Corporal Punishment and the Effects of Its Usage - 757 Words
Corporal Punishment and the effects of its usage Corporal punishment is the ability to make physical contact as a form of punishment for reprimanding ones behavior. Corporal punishment versus positive reinforcement while they both serve their purpose corporal punishment is known to be more effective. The most common form of disciplining has always been either a spanking, corporal punishment has been dated all the way back to biblical times. Now the corporal punishment that occurred during biblical and slavery times might not be for the greater good, however the individuals who owned slaves thought it to help one complete their job quicker and better. If one slave didn’t do something properly or escaped corporal punishment was enforced which resulted in receiving a beating from a long strap; this is form of corporal punishment is actual abuse, yet it deterred other slaves from committing the same actions as others. As a result corporal punishment has been around for years and s erves its purpose for every aspect in life. Throughout my book I’ll be explaining the effectiveness of corporal punishment versus positive reinforcement. The effectiveness of corporal punishment is something that is much more than whooping a child for wrongful doing, but it’s a deterrence mechanism within households and even schools. As a result of corporal punishment it can have a positive and negative effect it is something that works different on all individuals, positive reinforcement alsoShow MoreRelatedCorporal Punishment Is Not Uncommon851 Words  | 4 Pageshistory, parents have used corporal punishment as a form of discipline. Bible verses such as this instructs us that spanking as a form of corrective behavior coincides with Christian ideology. In the early stages of a child’s life, before the ability to understand reasoning and explanations, corporal punishment is necessary to correct undesirable behavior and promote discipline. In recent years, th is particular form of punishment has been banned in educational institutions and usage shunned in homes inRead MoreCorporal Punishment And Its Usage986 Words  | 4 Pagesof whether or not parents and teachers should use corporal punishment in the name of discipline had caught my eye for several reasons. One of the most important reasons is that I was beaten by a wooden paddle while I was growing up. I was about 12 years of age when my teacher beats all of my classmates including me just because one of us was misbehaving. That was in Baghdad, Iraq, where teachers and parents are allowed to use corporal punishment freely without any fear. Another reason is that I wasRead MoreShould Parents Be Allowed to Spank Their Children1456 Words  | 6 PagesShould Parents Be Allowed To Spank Their Children? The inhuman act of corporal punishment at home that is discouraged globally by a number of pressure groups and social welfare organizations should be completely banned, and parents should be allowed to spank their children. Physical violence practiced on children also known as corporal punishment has been discouraged globally by a number of pressure groups and social organizations for a number of reasons with serious consequences for violatorsRead MoreRhetorical Analysis1358 Words  | 6 Pageswithin America s criminal justice system. He gives many reasons why imprisonment simply does not work, and suggests that corporal punishment should be used as an alternative. Published in the Boston Globe, a newspaper well known for being liberal, Jacoby provides a conservative view and directs his argument towards those who strongly support imprisonment and view corporal punishment to be highly barbaric and inhumane. However, in order to shed light on our current situation, Jacoby discu sses the dangersRead MoreCorporal Punishment Is A Barbaric, Ineffective, And Counterintuitive Method Of A Person s Misbehavior1338 Words  | 6 Pages Corporal Punishment Physical harm for actions deemed negative has been a part of human civilization since the beginning of time. Corporal punishment is the act of inflicting physical pain onto another because of their wrongdoing. It has been in the spotlight of intense scrutiny and defense since psychology and the understanding of punishment in general has become more prevalent. It has been used in almost all walks of human life. Schools, homes, jail, etc. have all used or still use corporal punishmentRead MoreSpare the Rod, Spoil the Child: The Debate on Corporal Punishment2092 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿ â€Å"Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child: The Debate On Corporal Punishment†Introduction Many people have witnessed a misbehaved child in a public area and thought to themselves, â€Å"That child needs some discipline.†However, the type of discipline and the severity of its implementation is something that has been debated for many decades because it is tough to determine how/eif certain types of discipline are beneficial or harmful. The generally accepted definition of discipline is regarded as the practiceRead MoreThe High Levels Of Sexual Violence Against Women1877 Words  | 8 Pagesarticle published in Violence and Victims investigates the extent to which pornography and harsh parenting can cause sexual coercion and victimization. The following two hypotheses were formulated: (1) The interaction of exposure to harsh corporal punishment and consumption of pornography will be associated to the reports of men who have engaged in coercive sexual behaviors towards female partners, and (2) the interactions of exposure to paternal hostility and consumption of pornography will beRead MoreCorporal Punishment Is The Best Form Of Parenting2099 Words  | 9 PagesCorporal Punishment Many parents argue whether or not corporal punishment is the best form of parenting. All around America, corporal punishment is and always has been accepted as the correct way to discipline children. More recently, the practice has been challenged, but despite much research, many Americans are still not convinced that there is a better way. Unlike drinking milk, smoking, and texting while driving, corporal punishment remains a silenced public health issue. Corporal punishmentRead MoreThe Utilization Of Corporal Punishment Essay1997 Words  | 8 PagesArticle 1 Background This article first describes how the utilization of corporal punishment by parents to children has been a point of controversy for centuries. In the study of Larzelere et Al. 1998; McLloyd and Smith 2002; Straus 2001; Turner and Muller 2004 (as cited in Petts Kysar-Moon, 2012), it was found that strict, physical discipline leads to bad results for children such as low views of themselves, problems communicating with others, and worrying tendencies across ages. The findingsRead MoreThe Violence Of South African Schools Perpetrated On Teachers By Learners Essay1690 Words  | 7 Pagesverbal sexual abuse to female teachers, when the female teacher writes on the board boys will chat or comment about her back, hips and if she is wears pants boys will pay attention down from her hips and the front. Since there is a high rate of drug usage and trafficking in South African schools. Teachers are faced with theft. Learners usually smoke dagga or wunga and they do not have money to buy that why they break doors and steal from teachers especially those who live temporary or rest houses in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Great Power, Great Responsibility - 1390 Words
Great Power, Great Responsibility Chances are you have or know someone that has a family member suffering from Alzheimer s disease. It’s effects are heartbreaking and awful for all involved, but what if Alzheimer s disappeared from the world? Due to recent technological innovations, gene editing could soon be used to cure genetic diseases like Alzheimer s. In the film Jurassic Park the character Dr. Ian Malcolm said â€Å"... scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.†Though he was referring to reviving dinosaur species, he is correct that scientists and indirectly, the populace, have a responsibility to ensure scientific advancements are safe and in the best interests of†¦show more content†¦Zoologist Dr. Weizhi Ji theorizes that this technology will be used to extend the human lifespan (481). Extending lifespans is an example of unneeded editing, and would increase the tremendous press ure on the already strained healthcare systems of the world, as well as the social security system in the United States. Likewise, removing genetic diseases would remove some pressure from the world healthcare systems; those that would be born with diseases would be born without them and any treatment they would have needed would be futile. Editing genes brings along with it a whole new set of benefits and drawbacks, by only allowing edits for genetic diseases and birth defects the amount of drawbacks is reduced drastically. Gene editing is brand new and there is no way to see all of it’s effects, but starting by only allowing the most vital edits the world is given a small but sufficient platform to analyze the effects of this new technology. Evolution is when an organism develops a trait which is useful to it in it’s environment, and then passes it onto its offspring. These traits give that organism an advantage over other organisms of it’s species, and usually in the wild it leads to the demise of the other, now separate, species. Gene editing is similar to evolution, but it will not likely lead to the extinction of unaltered humans. It can, however, create a divide between two distinct species. HumansShow MoreRelatedGreat Power Comes With Great Responsibility904 Words  | 4 PagesGreat power comes with great responsibility. She needed to start educate her employees properly about company’s policy and all the procedure they need to know once someone ask for return or exchange and also give them power to let them decide to do the right things. They need to recognize that a decent performance is a must and they need manager’s approval for any situation like return or exchange since this is not the store’s policy to return even to help our lost prevention department. Staff needsRead MoreWith Great Power Comes Great Responsibility 1984 by George Orwell806 Words  | 4 Pagesto deal with power through his government named The Party. The Party wanted the power over Oceania and no one else to have it even over a person’s own body and mind. This is where the main character Winston has a problem, in the book everyone must love The Party and they must never do anything the party denounces. They have telescreens and microphones all over and Winston hates the party and goes against it in his own little way but the party puts out his little fire and remain in power even over himRead MoreThe Great Powers Of The United States1682 Words  | 7 Pagescategories in which all nation-states belonged. The great powers, economically and militarily dominant, were the victors of WWII: U.S, Great Britain, Russia, France and China. The rest of the world fell into the ca tegory of small power, with little influence in shaping the international system. As Germany and Japan recovered from their devastating defeats in the Second World War, they fought their way back into the classification of great powers. Although this North-South relationship was well knownRead MoreChina s Struggle For Status1274 Words  | 6 PagesStruggle for Status, analyzes China’s rise in power and it’s future trajectory according to his research. The novel was released during what many consider the peak of China’s growth, or at least when the world was witnessing the prosperity of their country, the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The novel strays away from the status quo of analyzing China’s rise, and rather focuses more on the reasons behind why China would want to become the world’s top super power and its motives for control, if any. The bookRead MoreUnited States as a World Superpower1157 Words  | 5 PagesThe rising to the status of world super power does not happen overnight. To explore the journey to the top, we must recognize the struggles and obstacles that were overcome. As Americans we can proudly say that we live in a country with globally recognized supremacy. As stated earlier, it was not an easy title to obtain. Looking back throughout history we can see specific examples of how we began our rise to power and what it has taken to preserve our power. Some of our more recent history has shownRead MoreHow Globalization Went Bad1206 Words  | 5 Pagesprovides solutions. Article 51: How Globalization went Bad From Terrorism to Global Warming In the Article â€Å"How globalization Went Bad†by Steven Weber et al. the author describes several reasons why having the United States as the single super power in this modern global market is not exactly a good thing. Weber says that the â€Å"evils of globalization are even more dangerous than ever before†¦The world has more international terrorism and more nuclear proliferation today than it did in 1990. InternationalRead MoreChina’s Rise and Policy Options for the United States Essay1599 Words  | 7 PagesThe rise of China as a great power will most likely be one of the greatest potential challenges facing the United States in the 21st century. The rapid growth of China’s military and economic power – and the simultaneous decline in American capabilities –could become a source of tension and perhaps conflict between the two countries as the responsibilities that each state feels it should take on begin to change. There is reason fo r optimism, however, as specific economic factors, the general â€Å"openness†Read MoreThe Concert of Europe1941 Words  | 8 Pageshad a substantial level of accountability in the preservation of peace because it brought about a common satisfaction of the status quo. The concert was forged under the thought that none of the great powers was interested in changing the international order to best suit their need. This is because, no power could be so â€Å"dissatisfied that it questioned the legitimacy of the entire order.†(83 p.145 Kupchan.) Some may argue that the concert was not created to maintain peace, because their interventionRead MoreBric Analysis Essay11111 Words  | 45 Pagesinstincts ’ embrace familiar ‘‘Northern’’ preferences: liberal, and mixed-capitalist, democracy. Polity (2010) 42, 14–37. doi:10.1057/pol.2009.15; published online 7 December 2009 Keywords BRICs; Brazil; global governance; democracy; power transition; emerging powers Leslie Elliott Armijo is a visiting scholar at the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, Portland State University. The editor of Financial Globalization and Democracy in Emerging Markets (1999), Debating the Global Financial ArchitectureRead MoreThe Threat Of A Zombie Apocalypse2139 Words  | 9 Pagescould be devastating. Then international community would also have to address whose responsibility it would be to defend against or protect the world against this army of the living dead. Naturally, many states around the world suspect the hegemon would take responsibility and step forward to police the zombies; however, what would happen if the hegemon decided not to take that responsibility what other world power would be able to stand up against this mutant army. That type of action could be taken
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Influential Kendrick Lamar and A.L.L.A Essay Example For Students
Influential Kendrick Lamar and A.L.L.A Essay I’ve been rapping, and telling stories since I was young. Born in Compton, I didn’t have the easiest life, I grew up around crime and everything but it didn’t hurt me as much as it influenced me. Tupac Shakur is my biggest influence, with my music being influenced by him, along with some of the aggression in some of my songs being influenced by Eminem. I want equality. My newest album, â€Å"To Pimp a Butterfly†has influenced teachers to start teaching my album to their students. They’ve compared it to powerful novels about racism and cultural movements. Ferguson has helped influence my album because of the whole racism and police brutality. The Black Lives Matter movement is a huge part of my music, with how I want equality. While recording To Pimp a Butterfly, I was going through deep depression, suicidal thoughts, and survivor’s guilt. It’s hard to know you made it so far while starting with nothing but knowing you can’t help all of your friends and family get out like you did. As much as my song, â€Å"i,†describes how I love myself, my song, â€Å"u,†describes how I feel about how I’ve actually felt about myself. The sense of hopelessness, but it all helped my music. I mentions a lot of this in my poem that I recite in several songs on To Pimp a Butterfly. I’ve been called the most influential rapper since Tupac’s death, for the messages that I put out, and tell in my music. With everything from loving yourself, talking about depression, to racism and equality. With what I rap about, I want to spread the message about everything I can, while showing people you can rise from the bottom. I have influenced so many people and I hope I’m able to influence so many more. Have you ever experienced an album that has truly touched your soul? Has it ever made you think you’ll never hear music as good as what you have just heard? For me it all started on May 27th, 2015. When the album At Long Last A$AP was released a week early on the 26th, although I didn’t find out until the day after. I scrambled to my computer so I could listen to the what I thought was (and was right) going the be a masterpiece. Although Kendrick Lamar’s album â€Å"To Pimp a Butterfly,†came out a few months earlier and gave extremely good messages, I look at that as more of a story and a message (although it was also a masterpiece of an album and Kendrick is one of my favorite rappers) rather than an album. The fact that A$AP Rocky re recorded songs on the album after another A$AP Mob member, A$AP Yams died and dedicated the album to him is so great and truly touches my heart. After the release of his first studio album, A$AP Rocky spent time to learn more about making beats, and working on his lyric writing so he could improve from Live. Love. A$AP, which was a great album it’s self. A$AP himself has stated that none of his songs are the same, in which I completely agree. He’ll go from songs about clothes and fashion, to songs about partying. The album’s abbreviation is A. L. L. A which is close to the god â€Å"Allah,†like the name of the god MC. A$AP is also named after Rakim. So clearly he wants listeners to know that he he some sort of god, or rap god. So as I’ve stated, A. L. L. A definitely deserves album of the year. Bibliography: Kendrick Lamar. Bio. AE Television Networks, 2015. Web. 08 June 2015. Doherty, Mike. Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings. Macleans 128.12 (2015): 58. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 June 2015. .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 , .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 .postImageUrl , .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 , .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40:hover , .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40:visited , .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40:active { border:0!important; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40:active , .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40 .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9aed20829b85c880e27c246a8408cd40:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: History Of Music Essay11 New Kendrick Lamar Lyrics Prove Hes Hip-Hops Greatest Visionary.Mic. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 June 2015. To Pimp a Butterfly: Kendrick Lamars New Album Is Perfect. The Verge. N.p., 19 Mar. 2015. Web. 08 June 2015. Why I Dropped Everything And Started Teaching Kendrick Lamars New Album. Brian Mooney. N.p., 27 Mar. 2015. Web. 10 June 2015. Fergusons Influence on Kendrick Lamars To Pimp a Butterfly. RFTmusic. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2015. Kendrick Lamar Struggled with Depression and Suicidal Thoughts While Recording To Pimp A Butterfly. Consequence of Sound. N.p., 03 Apr. 2015. Web. 10 June 2015. Theres a Secret Message Hidden in Every Song on Kendrick Lamars New Album. Mic. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2015. Why Kendrick Lamar Is Hip-Hops Most Important Voice in 2015. The Boombox. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2015. Kendrick Lamar. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 10 June 2015. To Pimp a Butterfly: Kendrick Lamars New Album Is Perfect. The Verge. N.p., 19 Mar. 2015. Web. 10 June 2015. To Pimp a Butterfly. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 10 June 2015 Kendrick Lamar – Another Ni**a (To Pimp A Butterfly). Genius. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 June 2015.
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